Thursday 13 November 2014

  • What did you learn about your attitudes to working in a team? Which Belbin roles did you identify with?
I found that I tended to be withdrawn from my team, preffering to go along with them rather than suggest different ideas. When asked specifically however, I found myself easily suggesting ideas I had been thinking of but would otherwise not have presented. I think I identified with the Monitor evaluator most, and somewhat with the Implementer, belbin roles.
  • Were you surprised by either your Leadership or Team Score following the first quiz? Why/why not? You don't need to specify the scores that you received - rather was it higher/lower than you expected.
I found my teamwork score was higher than I expected, since I dislike working in teams due to my shyness. I found my Leadership score to be roughly as I expected however, as it described how I often feel in teams: like I'm close to taking a leadership role, but being to shy and uneasy with the responsibility.
  • Did you identify with any of the causes of conflict? Is it something you have a tendency to do or something you have experienced from previous team projects? How will you manage this if it occurs in this team project?
I identified a little with the 'People withdrawing/losing' interest type of conflict, as I often withdraw from contact with people. I plan to stay in contact with my team using facebook, a communication medium we all agreed upon, to ensure i stay active in the team.
  • What is important to you when working in a team?
Working together to achieve the best results is probably the most important thing to me when in a team.

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